Category Archives: Projects

A Cluster of Lights

A Cluster of Lights is here!

This beautiful anthology is now out in the world! Celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the brilliant project ’52 / 250 -A Year of Flash,’ 52 writers (including yours truly), respond to their previous work with new creations.

Congratulations and many thanks to Michelle Elvy, John Wentworth Chapin, and all contributors!

The link at the publisher’s site is here:…/anthologie…/a-cluster-of-lights/

• paperback –

• ePub –

• Kindle –

For a ‘taste of a Cluster of Lights’, click below:

‘World Cup Final’ 1st Place in CKK

Handmade Football

Thrilled to place 1st in the 125th Caribbean Kigo Kukai on the theme ‘World Cup Final!’ Congratulations to Mark Gilbert, Martha Magenta and all participants for such a good game! Many thanks to the organiser Gillena Cox!

world cup final
the old couple holding

Many thanks to the anonymous commentators:

COMMENT 1: A warm, touching haiku
COMMENT 2: In a crowded stadium this haiku focuses in on one couple – the word ‘final’ suggests it might be their last match
COMMENT 3: A modern fairy-tale ending, with they lived ever after. The old couple has won.
COMMENT 4: Sporting tournaments bring people together and you imagine this old couple have been watching their team play for many years. Maybe this is the first time they have attended the actual final.
COMMENT 5: Though this world cup final has not yet been played, I find the poet’s imagination is very vivid. A moment of anxiety has been captured vividly.
COMMENT 6: Like #2 (lullaby) in reminding us that there is more in the world than the World Cup (Full disclosure: I’m one half of an old couple myself).


Photo from ‘Whatever you think about football

99/100 #The100DayProject #100daysnewthings

“Ammersee Symposium” in honor of VSSA (IV)

Last weekend, VSSA IV, the fourth international quadrennial symposium on Visual Search and Selective Attention, took place in the Bavarian School of Public administration, Holzhausen, nr. Utting, on the shores of the beautiful Lake Ammersee. I wrote a haiku sequence in honor of the symposium using themes and terms from the talks and social life of the meeting. I understand this haiku sequence was briefly projected on screen before the concluding session of the symposium.Ammersee Symposium haiku

98/100 #The100DayProject #100daysnewthings

73/100 Lighthousekeeping #100daysnewthings

Here is book cover 7 for the book cover challenge from Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy. No explanation required, no reviews, just the covers.


Thank you, Shrikaanth, for sending the challenge my way! I enjoyed presenting the book covers in the form of an installation and I plan to continue this practice beyond the 7 covers…

73/100 #The100DayProject #100daysnewthings

70/100 ‘waiting for the tide’ #100daysnewthings

A hot, humid day. I’m looking at cooling photos like this one from a visit to Wells-next-the Sea, North Norfolk.

There’s always a cooling breeze there. I can almost feel it. A sort of teleportation…

waiting for the tide

that’s not waiting for me—

children crabbing


70/100 #The100DayProject #100daysnewthings