Tag Archives: #parkinsonssupport

Haiku for Parkinson’s: Interview-Tim Roberts

The second installment of Haiku for Parkinson’s is the interview of a British poet, now living in New Zealand, Tim Roberts.

Tim describes his haiku practice and the ways it helps him with his Parkinson’s symptoms. It has not been an easy ride. He says:

I had to stop work shortly after being diagnosed. I was adrift. I didn’t have any real hobbies and lost my identity. I felt rudderless and scared. I didn’t know who I was anymore – perhaps that means I never had. I had confused who I was with what I did. Now, having developed such a rooted haiku practice, I have a solid sense of who I am and an exciting sense of purpose. I love poetry and I like to use it to connect to others. I see it as my vocation – and a part of my spiritual practice. Now, thanks to the challenges of PD, I am much more me than the person who was a leadership coach, or any of my previous personas, the university teacher and the detective.

Take a look here for Tim’s informative, inspiring, and from-the-heart account of his journey with Parkinson’s Disease.