Prose Posies: Virtual Reading

I am pleased to report here that Cara Holman, in her blog Prose Posies, celebrated April the 17th, National Haiku Poetry Day, by hosting a virtual haiku poetry reading event. Several poets, including myself, were given the space to ‘read’ their haiku at this event.

Thank you, Cara, for organizing this wonderful space, and for including my haiku. In such good company!

The link, which makes the poetry reading accessible to those interested is here


National Haiku Poetry Day

Tomorrow, April 17, is National Haiku Poetry Day, a day dedicated to celebrating haiku – locally in the United States and globally in the hearts of all those loving this genre. The Haiku Foundation has organized a number of events all around the country. You can see the schedule of events here

If you live outside the US, there’s still lots to do. Explore the website of the Foundation, taste the Per Diem: Daily Haiku straight from its box, write haiku, spread the word…

Whatever you do, Happy National Haiku Poetry Day!

Couplets Update

National Poetry Month 2012 – Update. Taking part in Couplets, the multi-author poetry blog organized by Joanne Merriam of Upper Rubber Boot Books, I was honoured to be featured:

On the 1st of April 2012 at Margaret Dornaus’ wonderful blog ‘haiku-doodle

On the 6th of April 2012, at Angie Werren’s great blog for micropoetry ‘feathers

In the same project, Couplets, 1st of April, I hosted the exquisite poetry of Margaret Dornaus on my own blog. Margaret offered three of her excellent tanka poems.

I also had the pleasure of hosting Lisa Cihlar, whose poetry I love. Lisa wrote a fascinating article about the creation of one of her characters, ‘Swampy Woman.’

There is more to come in the second half of the month. And there are so many good poets taking part in this project! Visit the Couplets site and enjoy! And don’t forget to come back!

National Poetry Month: Lisa J. Cihlar

Don’t you sometimes wonder where poets and writers’ characters come from? I do! Several times a day! Especially when I am waiting for mine to appear. Well, Lisa J. Cihlar, celebrating National Poetry Month with me today, is posting here exactly about this matter.  And about the gestation, birth and life of her books. Fascinating … Enjoy! 

Cihlar I.   A Character Emerges From the Swamp

Somewhere around a year and a half ago I wrote a poem and there was a character in it called Swampy Woman.  Who knows where she came from?  It happens that I grew up on a farmette in the middle of a swampy area in Door County WI, so I had wetlands always in my psyche, but I didn’t intentionally bring the swamp to my poem.  Besides, that was just one poem and I had no design to write any more.  But then, months later, who shows up but Swampy Woman.  I was hooked after that.  At that time I was writing a poem-a-day with a group of online poet friends and I took off with the character and wrote one poem after another.  When I had about 25 of them, they just stopped coming.

Now that I had them, I wondered what to do.  With the help of my wonderful teacher/mentor Terri Brown Davidson, I revised the poems and shaped the whole bunch of them into a chapbook titled The Insomniac’s House, from a line in one of the poems.  I sent them out to a half dozen contests, and had no nibbles.  Plus it was expensive.  The book was now languishing in a computer file.  Then I saw that “Dancing Girl Press” was accepting submissions—no money involved—and I sent the manuscript off and forgot about it.

A couple of months later I got an email saying that Kristy Bowen of DGP loved the book and wanted to publish it.  I was over the moon.  Kristy hand-makes chapbooks and she does lovely work.  When I asked if she would mind if I got my own cover artist she was happy to let me do that.  I knew Siolo Thompson through Facebook and thought her artwork fit Swampy Woman perfectly.  Siolo read the manuscript and went to work.  When I saw the cover design, I knew I had picked the right artist.  I love the deconstructing bear on the cover and the woman in red; weird and haughty enough to be Swampy.

I got the first of the books in my greedy hands in January 2012 and it was wonderful holding something I had made from nothing but the thoughts in my head.

The thing about this character is that she seems to have caught the imagination of a lot of folks.  Women especially are intrigued.  I think it is because the character has sass.  She is not Mother Nature as we typically see her, all gauzy and pastel.  Rather she is sexy and pushy and apologizes for nothing.  Because of this, the book has sold very well.

As a post script to this story of the genesis of a character, I can add that I have written a couple more Swampy Woman poems.  She just pops up now and then, kind of showing me that she is still stomping around in the cattails.  I’m always excited when she does.

II. A Character Who Remains Unnamed

After The Insomniac’s House poems were done I went back to writing poems on disparate topics.  Then I became interested in prose poems.  I bought a copy of The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry and devoured it.  After that I wrote some pretty bad prose poems.

Luckily practice makes better.  I was writing a lot of poems and themes were emerging.  When going back over the work I noticed I had a bunch of poems written about a character that had no name.  They were all about She.  And She was losing parts—her voice, her ears, her scream.  I didn’t want to look into the psychology of this too deeply, so I just kept writing.

One day I was noodling around on Facebook and John Burroughs who runs Crisis Chronicles Press announced that he was doing a 24 hour chapbook contest.  He would publish his favorite chapbook that was sent to him in the next 24 hours.  That was too fun to pass up so I threw a book together and sent it in.  I expected nothing so when I got an email from John telling me he loved the book and wanted to publish it, I was amazed.  After I digested the news, I asked if I could have some time to edit and put the book in better order.  John graciously gave me the time I needed.  Again I worked with Terri Brown Davidson and made some huge changes to the chapbook:  swapped out some poems, wrote new ones, changed the title, and gave the whole thing a loose storyline.

I sent the changed manuscript to John and kept my fingers crossed for two days until he wrote back that he liked the new version better than the first one.  Huge sigh of relief on my part.  He will publish the chapbook this year under the title “This is How She Fails.”  Again I got an artist friend of mine, Lisa Marie Peaslee, to design the cover and I can’t wait to see the final product.

For me there is something special about following a character through a collection of poems.  I feel like I know these people like I know my best friends.


Lisa J. Cihlar‘s poems have been published in The South Dakota Review, Green Mountains Review, In Posse Review, Bluestem, and The Prose-Poem Project. One of her poems was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.  Her chapbook, “The Insomniac’s House,” is available from Dancing Girl Press and a second chapbook “This is How She Fails,” will be published by Crisis Chronicles Press in 2012.  She lives in rural southern Wisconsin.

This blog post is part of the Couplets project, a multi-author poetry blog tour coordinated by Joanne Merriam of Upper Rubber Boot Books “to help promote poetry and poets for National Poetry Month”.

The Haiku Calendar Contest!





Good news! Snapshot Press has announced the results of The Haiku Calendar Contest 2012, selecting the entries for next year 2013. I am very pleased that one of my haiku, ‘winter wind,’ written in response to a NaHaiWriMo prompt, has made it as a runner-up and will be included in the Calendar! The complete results can be seen here

About  the Haiku Calendar (I quote from their site):

“The Haiku Calendar has appeared annually since the 2000 edition was published in 1999. Edited by John Barlow, and featuring haiku poets from around the world, the calendar continues a rich tradition exploring and celebrating the relevance of seasonal references in English-language haiku.”

Of course, this proves the point: my daily haiku training at NaHaiWriMo  is doing me good!

National Poetry Month: Margaret Dornaus

Well, April, the cruelest month, is upon us! Thank God we have poetry to help us survive it. Poetry, Poetry, Poetry, Poetry!

The Haiku Foundation, the Poetry Foundation,, brim with wonderful poetry to feed the soul – and the senses! Visit them and forget about April; or at least enjoy it! There is also Per Diem, the Daily haiku offered by The Haiku Foundation on their home page (bottom right-hand corner); Couplets, the multi-author poetry blog, coordinated by Joanne Merriam of Upper Rubber Boot Books, the Facebook pages of NaHaiWriMo,  and numerous other projects, workshops, readings, and poetry-related events.

On this first day of Poetry Month, I am very happy to host Margaret Dornaus, ‘writer, a teacher, wife, traveler . . . as well as a haiku-doodler.’  Margaret says about herself, ‘I live in a beautiful woodland setting, surrounded by native oak forests, that inspires me to record haiku snapshots of luna moths and our resident roadrunner, and even an occasional black bear as it hightails it across the top of my road, my mongrel dog barking at its heels as I watch with wonder’.

In her post hosted here, Margaret  kindly states, ‘I’m thrilled to exchange places with Stella for the day in observance of National Poetry Month and to have her wonderful work featured on my blog, Haiku-doodle (

Margaret herself chose to offer three poems (see below).  This is how she reflects on her offering:

‘After we decided to share three of our poems on each other’s site, I contemplated whether I should contribute haiku or tanka.  I    began writing both about a year and a half ago, and, although I was already familiar with haiku, I knew nothing about tanka until I accidentally stumbled upon a call for submissions to Pamela A. Babusci’s journal Moonbathing.  When I started studying this ancient lyrical form and reading the work of other tanka poets, I knew I’d found a home . . . .  And so I’ve chosen three tanka to feature here today.’


you remind me

how it felt that night we met . . .

our universe

filled with possibilities

and the soft hum of tree frogs


Simply Haiku, vol. 9, no. 1, Spring 2011


years from now

I promise to remember

how you looked that night

alone on the verandah

holding moonlight in your hands


First place, Tanka Society of America

2011 International Tanka Contest 


in darkness

we forget our anger . . .


the sound of wild geese

piercing the starless night


Ribbons: Tanka Society of America Journal,

vol. 7, no. 1, Spring 2011


This blog post exchange is part of the Couplets project, a multi-author poetry blog tour coordinated by Joanne Merriam of Upper Rubber Boot Books “to help promote poetry and poets for National Poetry Month“.

Literature, Art, and Life through the Lens of Haiku